Mission: St. Louis member Umbrella


The Mission: St. Louis Member Umbrella is unique in that ….

  • Affordable Housing options - $150 Housing subsidy offered at 3 property management companies including communal, apartment and intergenerational options.

  • Join a Community - In joining our umbrella, you will be introduced to a community of support to meet other like-minded individuals living and working in your community.

  • Professional Development training - Throughout the year, you will have in-person and virtual opportunities to learn how to be an agent of change and receive a personal professional development fund of $250.

  • Free Diapers - Through a partnership with the St. Louis Diaper Bank, VISTAs are able to get 25-50 diapers a month.

  • Expert Speaker Bureau -


  • Living Allowance - Receive a modest bi-weekly living allowance to cover basic expenses.

  • End of Service Award - Choose between a Segal Education Award (valued at approximately $6,195) to pay for a range of education expenses or a $1,800 cash stipend.

    During service, you may defer student loans until end of service year. Interest accrued during service will be payed by the National Service Trust upon completion of service.

  • Relocation Allowance - If you move 50+ miles from your home to a new community, you receive a $750 settling-in allowance and mileage reimbursement for relocation.

  • Healthcare Benefit - Choose between reimbursement for healthcare or a healthcare plan. Dental and vision are also included.

  • Non-Competitive Eligibility (NCE) - AmeriCorps VISTA is the only AmeriCorps program where you can earn federal non-competitive eligibility, giving you an edge in the federal hiring process. NCE status last for 12 months following service.

  • Mileage Reimbursement - Receive reimbursement for service-related travel.

  • Childcare Assistance -