*Green STL Machine Outreach, Capacity & Market VISTA- FT
The Outreach, Capacity and Marketing VISTA member will help GSM to create a comprehensive outreach program to build the capacity of Green St. Louis Machine by streamlining program logistics, improving farm-to-table education, and ensure the effective management of tower garden programs across nine (9) partner schools and six (6) community organizations located within underprivileged communities of St Louis city and county. As a result of the VISTA member’s service, residents in these high poverty areas will receive an increase in fresh produce availability, have access to practical nutrition education, and foster sustainable eating habits.
Apply on my.americorps.gov.
The Green St. Louis Machine is dedicated to fostering sustainable empowerment around healthy food in underserved communities in St. Louis. We achieve this through our youth-centered initiative, which focuses on food justice, STEAM education, and urban agriculture. Our primary approach involves providing and supporting year-round, cutting-edge aeroponic gardening programs, within schools and youth organizations, with the goal of promoting sustainable empowerment around healthy food. During the 2022-23 school year, we were able to serve over 450 teachers, students, and young people across nine inner city schools, Mathews-Dickey Boys and Girls Club of Greater St. Louis (which serves as home base for our initiative), and R.I.S.E. Youth Center in Spanish Lake, St. Louis County. It is worth noting that all these locations are situated within food deserts - areas lacking consistent access to fresh and nutritious food options.