Posts tagged full-time
*Green STL Machine Outreach, Capacity & Market VISTA- FT

The Outreach, Capacity and Marketing VISTA member will help GSM to create a comprehensive outreach program to build the capacity of Green St. Louis Machine by streamlining program logistics, improving farm-to-table education, and ensure the effective management of tower garden programs across nine (9) partner schools and six (6) community organizations located within underprivileged communities of St Louis city and county.

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*DeSales Community Development Marketing and Communications VISTA - FT

The Marketing and Communications VISTA will enhance DeSales’ public profile, support communication strategies, build awareness of its impact in the community since 1976, and effectively share the story of DeSales’ work developing affordable housing, connecting residents to rental assistance, preventing eviction, and more for those in need.

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*Mission: St. Louis Continuum of Care Coordinator VISTA - FT

The Continuum of Care Coordinator VISTA will build the capacity of Continuum of Care (CoC) by providing administrative support to the CoC Board of Directors and its seven committees (Consumer Council, Coordinated Entry, Governance & Membership, HMIS, Program Performance, Service Delivery, System Performance) to help them achieve goals related to their strategic plan.

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