*Wyman Center Digital Marketing and Communications VISTA - FT

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The Digital Marketing and Communications VISTA will develop the systems needed for effective digital marketing and communications, leading to attracting new donors and partners and retaining current donors and partners. The project will consist of conducting research and developing the systems and procedures for sustainable practices in the following areas: digital marketing, SEO, and communications data tracking and interpretation. We believe that as a result of the VISTA’s work, Wyman will be stronger due to a larger and more sustainable audience (which includes donors and partners). Sustainable and more effective digital marketing and communications will allow Wyman to attract new donors and partners, while continuing to engage current donors and partners. This increased capacity will allow Wyman to sustain and strengthen its programmatic offerings and support young people to positive outcomes that give them a better chance of breaking the cycle of poverty for years to come.

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At Wyman we are experts in working with teens and young adults, and we have an unrelenting belief in their power to positively shape their world. We believe every young person possesses the talent and potential to succeed and lead; needs healthy connections with caring adults and peers; and deserves quality educational and life experiences, unencumbered by economic and systemic barriers. Our work is done through three proven programs – Wyman Leaders, the Teen Outreach Program, and the Teen Connection Project. Each program helps young people build life and leadership skills, establish healthy behaviors and relationships, and achieve educational and career success.